Friday, August 27, 2021



It's finally happened.  What an empathic lightworker cannot do for the sake of the collective:  fall into dark sadness, heartbreak, hopelessness, anger.


In every article of this horrendous fire season in so many places, now encroaching Lake Tahoe-all they mention is STRUCTURES DESTROYED:........


INJURED PERSONS/FATALITIES - only about people  WILDLIFE KILLED: INESTIMABLE AMOUNT, wildlife injured, burning, survived, burnt & starving, lost & terrified - 

               NO MENTION !!!!!!!

I'm TRULY SORRY for the terror of people who's lives are ruined or taken, who's homes are gone and they have PTSD so badly.  It is a very real reality I live with daily that this could be me any day.  BUT WHAT ABOUT THAT MAMA DEER & HER FAWN that eat nearby my home?  WHAT ABOUT HER?  SHE CAN'T EVACUATE!!!!  She & her fawn will scream in pain as they burn and no one will hear them, no one will count THEM.  I will know.  I will and AM heartbroken at this thought that I can't rescue her and her precious baby.  I can't rescue the young mama bear and her cub I hear in the woods down the hill who come up and eat my figs.

I can't find it in me no matter how hard I reach, no matter how I try "to accept" and know that my despair cannot be of service in any way.  And this blog piece isn't about POOR ME & MY BROKEN HEART.  It's about calling attention to the destruction EN MASSE of our beautiful wildlife that no one will see dying, running, screaming, burning.  The smoke FEELS AWFUL not just because it's bad for OUR lungs, but because in that smoke is the energy of COUNTLESS WILDLIFE BEINGS SCREAMING IN TERROR, PAIN & DYING, some slower than others.  The survivors, wandering hopelessly, grieving the death of their babies, on burned hooves/paws/wings with no food, no home - just DESOLATION.  


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