Friday, May 31, 2019

Teaching the Puppy to SIT

YAY, Easton can SIT !!!

Today has been a fun day with the red toy poodle puppy, EASTON, named after the famous baseball bat because his mommy and her boys are Little Leaguers. 
Now when I attend a game, I see the puppy's name everywhere!  

He & Cheyana, my big red standard are good friends, he adores her a bit more than she adores him.  Being a 10 year old, she plays with him on HER terms.  They do play rough and both love it, but when she's tired, she means business when she wants to rest.

Today, I was having Irish Cheddar and raspberries and Cheyana is a bonafide cheese lover.  She sits automatically and just stares at me whenever I eat cheese waiting patiently for me to share.  Easton was standing beside her staring (he copies her and follows her like a baby brother).  Well, he didn't realize he sat down next to her, but when he did I praised him and said, "good SIT" repeatedly as I gave him a tid bit of my cheese.  Well, he would stand up again, and then sit again and so earned another bit and more praise repeating the command.  Teaching him this cost me most of my cheese, but we were on a roll and he was sitting so well, I HAD to reward, praise and say the command several times.

Well, cheese gone, I was finished eating and we needed to put some time between this initial sit session and another one.  Besides, too much cheese is not good for their tummies.

So I wrote my blog (below this one on Facebook) and then got the homemade treats I concocted and had in the freezer.  They are tasty morsels from a recipe I got on the Poodle page of FB.  SIDENOTE:  I will most likely never make them again they were SO MUCH WORK!!!!

Well, we've just had two more successful SIT sessions using these treats.  He is such a smart pup!

     Cheyana is limping a bit, I can tell her arthritic elbow is hurting despite her stoicism.  It was time for one of her pain meds and CBD oil.  I also give her organic hempseed oil from the natural food store in a dropper bottle.  Puppy Easton loves this hempseed oil too, which isn't a CBD oil. 

I give her the pill and the CBD oil, and when it's time for the hempseed dropper of oil, Easton comes to beg.  I simply say, "SIT" and he does!!!!   I think he's really got it!  Oil administered, I decide to try some yoghurt, I know Easton loves yoghurt, but Cheyana never has.  This batch is the Greek, heavier variety (I always use Plain, not flavored) and Cheyana seems to love it.  I have a bit in a little plate and some on a spoon.  Easton SITS perfectly when I say the word and he happily licks the spoon.

We are on a roll!  I let more time go by, and decide to bring the bag of Stella & Chewy's "WILD WEENIES" treats to my desk as I sit and write this for another session.  Lo & behold, Easton has it down!!!!
He keeps coming over and just sitting on his own looking up at me requesting a weenie!!

I'm SO OVER THE MOON about this I'm writing an entire blog about it.  It's big news here as to me, there is nothing more rewarding than a successful training session with a very intelligent puppy.

The only thing I can think of that would be as rewarding would be a film company calling to request using my book (  as the subject of a new film and wishing also to utilize some of my Mantra Music (  for part of the sound track.

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