Yup, a great life abounds.....
Yes, I just posted a RANT IN COLOR
That rant was about just ONE ASPECT of my life today. And it wasn't even an ASPECT OF MY LIFE as much as a situation I encountered in the mundane aspect of life in this society.
That said, I wanted to immediately follow up with this bit of
AVE'S NUES . . . My life is pretty amazing since my daughter came
over and re-organized and re-arranged my cabin. Truly, the art of
FENG SHUI (in her case, a good eye and a sense of flow) - works - she didn't have to read books on this art of placement, she just
SAW and DID. An art I do not have within me to perform, but that's ok, I'm already busy with music, writing, painting and soon enough, skating again. I left out photography and garden design....but hey....gotta pick one and run with it. Maybe two. Alright...three. But that's IT if I wish to actually FINISH a painting or a book.
I'm just doing a post to end this day that isn't a RANT IN RED.
Life is truly beautiful in many ways and I'm not one to NOT count my blessings, even in the throes or anguish, depression or other forms of darkness we all must travel through from time to time or even for prolonged periods of time.
That said, I'm creating a life that will be as much fun for you to read as it is for me to write. Not that ranting isn't a sort of dark fun, it's making the most out of the darkness and applying my literary skill to it. I'd photograph it, but selfies just don't do justice (my face need expensive camera gear) and I'm not really a selfie sort of person.
I will be making more videos. I have a bunch that could use the editing touch, but onward to make more, create awesomeness and report it during my 30 day blog writing challenge. This is the second blog post on DAY 4. Not bad, if I say so myself.
I am not writing about unicorns and butterflies, because life has been moths and worms, and I want to keep it "real" - even though what we humans call REAL here on the earth plane, is not really what's real. Go figure, eh?
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