Monday, May 27, 2019


DAY 1:   Therapy Dog Testing

Today was the first day for Cheyana, my standard red poodle to be tested in how she managed visiting patients at an elder care convalescent hospital here in our town.  The testing lady observed
and brought her little Yorkie, as is customary for the first test day, so Cheyana could follow the little dog's lead in what to do.  She did fine
on her own and didn't pay much attention to the little dog.

We visited several very old patients who were residents at the facility and many had dementia.  Some were quite alert with a sparkle still in their eye.  And many an eye lit up when they saw the big fluffy poodle
come up to them to allow some petting.

Cheyana is initiated into second degree Reiki, as years ago, we both took Barbara's course in this healing modality.  So she is an official
Reiki dog, which I'm rather proud to say I don't know of any other poodle who is a 2nd Degree initiated Reiki dog!  She has a great healing presence, and being initiated, anyone who comes in contact with her
receives this energetic healing.  It's not something I announce though.

It was also lovely for me to interact with these elders and ask them how they were.  As my mom recently died in a group home, a very different setting than a convalescent hospital, I am sensitive to elders, and I enjoy giving them the energy I also have of Reiki and The Reconnection.  One does not have to 'give a session' to emanate the energetic healing of these two modalities.  It's all about intention.

The next two days we will visit two more facilities, tomorrow being the courthouse, our job to bring ease and possibly uplift people who are waiting their turn to go into Family Court, no doubt something very stressful for these people.

This is very good for Cheyana too, as she needs to 'have a job' and to have some adventures.  With her elbow injury/arthritic condition, we can no longer take even short walks as it causes her too much pain, so she doesn't get to get out and have a 'scent adventure' and be stimulated.  This new job will give her the stimulation to keep her young in mind & body.  The patients loved her and she brought many smiles, so it was great energy all the way around for everyone.

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