Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Hear ye ~ Hear ye ! ! !

So proud of my Cheyana....we not only passed on DAY 3 of of our testing and was accepted into the Alliance of Therapy Dogs, the testing lady wrote in the commentary how amazing an addition she is, and how she "is a natural" and a benefit to the organization!

Today we went to my favorite elder facility, Atria.  It's my favorite because I had taken my elder friend there years ago for holiday dinner and to socialize (he was a hit with the ladies) and see if this could be a good residence for him.  It's a beautiful facility and does not have that smell many places do.

We went into the actual dementia unit, which was impeccably clean, well lit, nicely decorated and all the residents were clean and very well cared for.   They even had a room for manicures, and the women had beautifully manicured hands, some with polished nails.  Unfortunately, some of these lovely people did not even know they HAVE nails or that they're beautifully done. 

There was a room full of people who had just done some singing together and we went in when they finished their song.  Well, everyone's eyes lit up and they would reach for Cheyana and they all had big smiles and said how lovely she was.  Only one lady did not want her near her, and that was easy to arrange.  One elder asked if she could do tricks.  "She knows her commands in French," said I.  As Cheyana is better with French for this, I spoke with such a practiced accent adding how good she was all in that beautiful language, someone asked if I actually WAS French.  They were all beside themselves with joy.

I cannot tell you how moved I was, this touched my heart so deeply, when we left that area and headed to the main space I welled with tears and emotion moved me.  I had thought of my mom's last days with Lewy Body Dementia and when visiting her in January, had so wished to have Cheyana present, knowing she would have brought such joy to my mom.  

These people are so wonderful, so pure of heart like little children....SO very precious.  I also visited with some not in the dementia facility and was impressed at how well groomed they all were.  It was incredibly bittersweet.  I told them I'd be back and arranged with the director to go every Tuesday after my certification paper comes in the mail.  

I can tell Cheyana's arthritic elbow is getting worse and she could be in constant pain.  We decided to become a member of the Alliance team for a few reasons, my main one concerning my lovely 10 year old girl is that she can no longer take even short walks without being in severe pain, hence, she gets no stimulation.  I can toss her ball only about three times twice a day, maybe just once, to keep her spirits up and her body moving.  But these visits she gets a lot of attention and stimulation, new smells, having to adjust to new environments and visiting with many people, old, young, and everything in between.  When we have our membership card and tags, I will like to go down to Shriner's hospital and bring smiles to children - although I don't know how my heart will handle that.  I'm sure my heart will expand in ways I cannot fathom being in the presence of these children.

This was most fulfilling and I feel an energetic shift within me from today's experience.  The past two days were good too, the first day being a convalescent hospital and a challenge to my olfactory nerve, the second day was the courthouse and I was glad to do it, but nothing compared to today's experience.  I am so thankful to be able to share this with my beautiful canine companion of 10 years.  Interestingly, there was this one lady who was there for a brain injury and we spoke for a while.  Cheyana licked one of the palms of her hand.  When I told her that Cheyana likes to lick the part of my hand that had the surgical procedure, and causes me constant pain and it feels healing and soothing when she licked it, this lady showed me her hand where Cheyana was licking; lo & behold she had a scar there from a surgical procedure.

Back when Cheyana was just 9 months old, I took two levels of Reiki training with Barbara Mariano, and Cheyana attended.  Both she & I were initiated into the first & second degree, making her a Reiki dog.  Sharing the hand licking story with this lovely lady today showed me that Cheyana really does have that "healing touch" when she gives licks.  I am humbled and in such a state of deep appreciation as the sun heads toward evening and the thunder clouds rumble in the distance.  My heart chakra was truly opened today.

My testing director said Cheyana will be good for children having to testify in court.  I asked what that entails, and she said I would take her into the witness stand and she will lay next to the child to bring ease so the child can tell her/his story, and I would be right behind Cheyana.  This sounds like very emotionally intense work, but to be in service in this capacity I believe is an honor.

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